I started a blog of about 100 words a few days ago about me if you have time to look so I can carry on from that about the Champions I have made up etc.
I started my hobby of breeding and showing cats six years ago and despite covid restrictions of two years I have made up.
Ch Tookeyes Dafydd Caru
ChTimothy Teo Mary Kay
Gr Ch Tommy of Perla Poludnia.pl
Gr ChTookeyes Unchained Melody
Tookeyes Daffyd Caru
Ch Tookeyes My Fair Lady.
Ch Upper Unic Blue Queensland
I am striving to breed better litters with each one.
I have some exciting youngsters waiting in the wings and a new male import Santiago Blue Queensland who will be shown at my local shows along with my gorgeous black girl Beauxchats Black Magic.
I do like my kittens to be in pet homes rather than for breeding even if they are show quality.
If you are a first time owner of a British shorthair kitten or cat you will have to be prepared to cope with a litter tray for the cats entire life as they are inside cats with not the instincts of a moggy. Catios are well worth looking into and of course if your garden is completely cat proof no problems.I highly recommended insurance for your pet as vet bills are so expensive. People say I would like a cat to have a litter once. Be prepared to have a vet bill of £3000 if a cesarean is needed or the Queen has no milk then you will have to feed the kittens with kitten milk your self every 2 and then 4 hours day and night. Insurance doesn't cover for breeding cats. As soon as your vet advises neutered your pets as female kittens can call as early as 5 or 6 months. Of course you will have bought all the necessary equipment needed to your new pet.Keep to the food you have been advised to feed by the breeder otherwise tummy upsets can happen also cats are lactose intolerant so definitely no cows milk.Be careful of buying from unscrupulous people who let kittens go too early and without vaccination they are definitely in it just for the money and the kittensC are very vulnerable to diseases at such a young age.Keep vaccination boosters every year.Check around the house for things that are poisonous to cats especially raisins, chocolate and some indoor plants such as lilys, Christmas plants .mistletoe poinsettia, a look on the Internet can give you a full list.Most cats like to be groomed and it builds a bond.There are lots of toys to keep your indoor pet amused .Cat trees are usually a winner involving climbing and also sleeping. A sturdy base is a good idea so it doesn't tip as the boys can get heavy as they mature so can the girls. I'm sure most breeders are more than happy to answer your questions if you're not sure about anything.